Saturday, November 19, 2011

Triton Brewing Company - Bourbon Barrel Deadeye Stout

Triton Brewing Company - Bourbon Barrel Deadeye Stout
ABV: 8.0 %
IBU: 28
SRM / Coloring: 51 light to dark brown

This beer comes with a story. So I was speaking with both brewmasters and owners Jon and David about which beer I should choose for my first taste of Triton Brewery, and of course they recommended their standard and most popular beers, the Railsplitter IPA and their Wheat Beer, but you all know me I'm the dark beer man. I requested something with some girth on it, and they said that I had to try their Bourbon Barrel Stout before it ran out.

Triton brewed this beer a while ago, but a few weeks later they learned that there was a stout beer competition that was accepting applicants. After entering this beer at the last minute, they ended up coming in second place, which is a fantastic rank considering the other breweries involved, such as Sun King, Flat 12, and Bier Brewery.

This is their Deadeye stout that has been fermented and slightly aged in whiskey bourbon barrels, and after talking with Jon I learned that fermenting in bourbon barrels is always a unique experience. Each barrel has it's own unique properties, and so you just have to judge the aging and brewing of the beer based on the personality of that individual barrel. Clearly, Triton figured out what this barrel's deal was and said, "Yo MoFo, you're gonna make us a beer and you're gonna make it a doozie."

As a result, the beer is given an oaky, almost smokey flavor and aroma which adds to the beers already malty flavor. With a toasty smell on the nose, sweet toffee and coffee undertones, and a creamy finish, this beer is a nice stout that isn't too tick or full bodied, but is an array of melding flavors and ingredients that won't disappoint. If you want to try this one though you better get to it son, it's running out fast and will be gone before you know it.

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