On an incredibly dismal Thursday evening in Indianapolis, RR and I decided to venture out for a beer and watch the second game of the word series. After testing out the waters at Bier Brewery and Thr3e Wise Men, we decided to try something new and head to Brugge Brasserie, a brewery / restaurant from Terre Haute located at the corner of Winthrop and Westfield in Broad Ripple.
The weather was absolutely awful, cold and spitting rain for the entire day, but we thankfully found an amazing parking spot right next to the place and walked up the stairs to the bar. Standing outside were two men braving the elements and having a quick smoke before their food came out. We jokingly asked them how they were doing out here in the rain, in which they agreed that yeah Indiana weather is unpredictable and lousy.
"What do you all do?" I asked, "Are you here to grab a beer and some oysters?"
"Something like that," the guy in red told me. "We kinda like the place. I'm actually the owner and the head brew master."
I immediately laughed and slapped RR on the back, the perfect piece of luck had fallen right inot our laps. Just after starting a microbrewery blog we meet another brew master. I of course had to ask the guy for a picture despite the downpour going on around us, and told him about our internet venture that we just started. He smiled and told us to try the Tripel De Ripple, a blonde Belgian Tripel style that is the bread and butter of the brewery.
Bruge is located in the old Net Heads building across from the Broad Ripple Steak house; surreal for me walking in there as I was used to the upstairs room being packed full of computers and people playing Unreal Tournament and Counter Strike. Now it's a different type of playground for me, one a little less violent but more delicious and age appropriate. The restauraunt serves a variety of options, most famous for it's Moules Frites, various styles of mussels, and paper cones of Pomme Frites, super dope french fries. Compliment those with some unique beer options from guest breweries as well as their own collection, and you got a winner.
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