Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bier Brewery - Smoked Brown

Smoked Brown
ABV: 5.8%
IBU: 16
SRM: 17
Smoked Brown

When it comes down to it, I'm a dark beer man. Being a college graduate I was cultured to drink the normal "bottom of the barrel" options like Natural Light, Busch Light, Keystone Light, and now Boxer Light which, I have to say tastes like what I imagine horse piss would taste like. After four years of going after runny, light and tasteless beer, anything dark and flavorful tastes like a Tiesto rave in my mouth.

When RR and I walked into the Bier tap room and up to the bar, I asked the guy for the darkest thing he had, and he gave me a sample of their Smoked Brown, which truly lives up to it's namesake. In smell, color, and taste this brown has a smoky essence to it, all of which reminding you of a wood grill and smokehouse flavor. It's a very thick and malty brown which has the darker flavoring and color of a porter but drinks like a lager. Looking at the beer it has ideal coloring and body, dark brown with outlines of red and amber, but the unique thing about this brown is that through the middle it is so thick that you can't see any light through it at all; no translucence, again similar to porters and stouts.

Overall it's a good beer, robust smoky flavor and a good middle ground between light and dark beers. However, past the malt and smoky flavor, there isn't much else in the mix. Most browns would have hints of nut, chocolate, carmel, or other additives with a somewhat sweeter edge on the back end, but the smoky flavor either completely dominates everything other flavor or there simply isn't anything else. If you like smokehouse cheese, BBQ, campfires and burning leaves like every manly outdoorsman then this would be the beer for you.

Bier Brewery
5133 East 65th Street, Indianapolis

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