Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Brugge Brasserie - Very Bad Kitty

Very Bad Kitty

ABV: 10%
IBU: as low as it can be, very sweet
SRM / Coloring: golden, yellow

This one's going to be short.  Very Bad Kitty is an American Wild Ale, which means it was brewed using a lot of yeast giving it a complex and distinctive flavor, much like an abbey style ale.  While most other beers will have a dry or subtle bitterness to them, Very Bad Kitty is a pop to the face with sweet, sour, and that yeasty tang characteristic to this style.  Smelling it, you get a big hit of fruit like apples, lemons, and apricots; take a sip though and it tastes like liquified sweet tarts.  You get a slap of sugary sweetness like a slushie suicide that comes off just a bit tart and sour.  They limit you to only having two of these, which they say is due to the high alcohol content, but I think it's to save you from the massive hangover you're likely to get the next morning.

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