Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thr3e Wise Men - Hubbard and Craven's Porter

Hubbard and Craven's Porter

ABV: 6.0%
IBU: 36
SRM / coloring: Deeeeeep Brown

About a year ago Thr3e Wise Men opened and I jumped on as an employee.  Back then the beer list was much larger than it is now.  It consisted of the Double IPA, single IPA, Blackberry Wheat, Blonde, Imperial Stout, Amber, Nap Town Nut Brown, and the Porter.  However, the place literally blew up; the lines were out the door, and the demand for beer and pizza was too high that they couldn't make the beer fast enough for the hordes of people coming through.  So, as a result, the brewery was forced to reduce the number of beers they made so they could make more of the ones that mattered.

The choice made perfect business sense as they needed to meet the demand of consumers, but it really stunk for people who are real craft beer drinkers.  The beers they chose to keep year round were the Double IPA, single IPA, Blonde and Blackberry wheat while the rest were turned into seasonals.  I didn't see the point in having two kinds of IPA's on the menu year round, or a fruity beer for that matter when the blonde already had a citrus taste to it, especially when the porter, amber, and nut brown were so popular.

I guess the company wanted to cater to the average beer drinker and women who aren't too keen on beer, but they left out the majority of the people who would be interested in going to a brewery; men who like rich and unique beers.  If someone were to choose to go to a brewery, it would be for the sake of the beer, and I know literally no one who gets off of work and says to themselves, "I could go for a brew, but there just aren't that many blueberry flavored options."  According to the Pareto principle, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes, which applies to business as well; i.e. 80% of your profits will come from 20% of your consumers, those who really love what you got.  You have to know who your real fans are and cater to them, and Thr3e Wise Men strayed away from the beer aficionados around town by only offering lighter options year round.  Still, their seasonals are coming back full circle, and the Porter is the first to be brought back from the original menu.

Next to the Double IPA the Porter is my favorite beer at Thr3e Wise Men.  It's made with Hubbard and Craven's coffee grounds, and there are hints of toffee and chocolate infused in the flavor as well.  It's a dark, full bodied ale and thick to boot, so it's like having a little snack before getting to our pizza and wings.  It has a nice roasty, malty flavor to it, and the coffee is really prevalent on the front end, then finishes smooth.  Just in time for the first snow.

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